Youth Empowerment

Discipling the next generation of Christ centered leaders by helping them define their calling, build life skills, and develop Godly character.
We disciple the next generation of leaders by helping young people define their calling, develop godly character, and learn life skills based on a biblical worldview and how it applies to the challenges of life.
Leadership Development Gap Year
This is a holistic and intentional 9 month discipleship program that covers spiritual formation, life skills, leadership training, skills/trades/ business training, and has assigned outreach in the community based on their calling, personality and talents.
Internships and Apprenticeships
Specialized staff positions where students fill both a staff role while still being mentored. They get practical experience in their fields of study.
“My brothers keeper” groups with intentional mentoring and holistic discipleship addressing challenges at homes without a father. They are assigned tasks to complete together in order to build leadership skills and transform their communities.
“My sister's keeper” groups for vulnerable women that gather to do discipleship, outreach, and skills training that will financially support their families and assist other girls.
Leadership camps
Camps emphasizing identity in Christ, character development and team building exercises.
Community Cell groups
Students learn how to mentor their peer groups.