The Hope of Africa exists to bring hope and a future to young African students who are caught in the cycle of poverty. Your financial gift makes a lasting impact in the kingdom of God by helping equip and inspire future leaders.

We use, a simple and secure online giving platform. You can give a single gift or schedule recurring donations using your credit card, debit card, or checking account.
General Ministry Fund
Your Global Mission fund gift will be used by our teams where and when they need it most.
Building and Development
Help us to purchase and renovate a building South Africa for our Ministry Base.
Give to a US missionary
Partner financially with Heather Lytle, Danielle Bink, or Amy Hall.
Send your gift to:
Hope of Africa
PO Box 81597
Billings, MT 59108
Please make your check payable to Hope of Africa and designate in the memo line if you would like your gift to go to the General Ministry Fund, Building and Development or to missionary support for Heather Lytle, or Amy Hall.
Hope of Africa, Inc., is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Because this ministry is the responsibility of Hope of Africa (HOA) and funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of our Board, contributions are deductible for tax purposes per IRS regulations unless otherwise indicated. No goods or services are provided except as noted.
HOA takes stewardship seriously. Every effort is made to ensure that gifts designated for specific initiatives are applied according to your preference, with a portion going to help HOA conduct its core mission. Should the contributions received exceed requirements or match offers, excess funds will be faithfully applied to similarly pressing needs.