Meet Hakim
Hakim is the 4th of 10 siblings. He was introduced to Christianity by Jona, a young brass band leader. After band practice, Jona would read the Bible to band members. Hakim slowly gained interest in the Jesus and God that he was hearing about. He learned that God is loving and forgives sin.
This message was very different from the religion of Islam that Hakim had learned from his family. In the Islam religion Hakim felt like it had more judgement and strict duties that had to be followed. After hearing that God is loving and forgiving, he started to read the Bible for himself. God's word became alive to Hakim especially when he came across Jeremiah 29:11. He realized that God had great plans for his life, plans to give him hope and a future.
Hakim joined Suubi in 2017. Herbert, a staff member, supported Hakim in many ways. Hakim was equipped with leadership skills, business skills and most importantly, his relationship with Jesus was strengthened. The impact of Suubi on Hakim's life is immeasurable! Hakim was really shaped by all that he learned.
His family used to be skeptical of people who are not of the same religion as they are. Ever since Hakim joined Suubi, and they have seen all that Suubi has done for him, that has changed them totally. Hakim is a Christian, and his parents are just predicting it because he hasn't told them.
Suubi has had a great hand in his education for he had less hope of completing his education. Like many others from humble backgrounds, school fees have always been a challenge for Hakim. He started a passion fruit plantation and business with the skills and knowledge gained through his time with Suubi, which has helped with his university school fees. Having the support and encouragement of the Suubi family has built more hope in his heart. Hakim has now completed his studies with a bachelors of Education.
Working with kids in his community by empowering them with literacy is just one of the significant ways Hakim is giving back. He has plans to share the leadership skills he has learned with the volunteers so they can also become good leaders. Hakim also continues to volunteer with children and youth programs, and community trainings empowering local families lead by Suubi.
Hakim's hope and dream is to see his community transformed to be self-sustaining. By the grace of God he hopes that the community will know they are loved by God and that salvation is a free gift. During his time at Suubi, Hakim learned that the cross is what brought the relationship with God and man back together, and accepting Jesus brings reconciliation with God. It is written that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him.